Test. Optimize. Repeat.

Enter multiple URLs to compare them against each other visually.


    For each URL, 3 first-view tests will be run from 'Chrome' and the median run will be used for comparison. If you would like to test with different settings, submit your tests individually from the main test page.

Real Experience

Test your user’s real experience with global locations, modern devices, and the latest browser versions.

Video Capture

Correlate your user’s visual experience to the technical measurements of your site.

In-Depth Metrics

Dive into the anatomy of your webpage with components like DNS, TCP, TLS, and more.

“One of the cool features of WebPageTest is that it can generate a filmstrip of screen snapshots taken during a web page load, enabling us to quantify how a page loads, visually. This view makes it significantly easier to determine how long the page is blank for, and how long it takes for the most important content to render.

Being able to look at the results in this way, provides the ability to empathise with the user.”

Andrew Galloni, Engineering Director at Cloudflare

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